Calendar View

Online Help > Calendar View

What is the Calendar view?

Calendar view offers the possibility to review your project tasks in a calendar format. Task bars span the days or weeks that the tasks are scheduled. This familiar format enables you to quickly see which tasks are scheduled on particular days, weeks, or months.

How do I use the Calendar View?

In order to use the Calendar view, go to menu View - Calendar.

When should I use the Calendar view?

You should use the Calendar view to show the tasks scheduled in a specific week or range of weeks. Also, the Calendar view helps you to review the tasks that are scheduled on particular days, weeks or months.

Can I move tasks in Calendar view?

In Calendar view you can move tasks to another day using drag and drop with the mouse.

Can I change the duration of tasks in Calendar view?

In Calendar view you can change the duration of tasks by resizing their corresponding bars. You can drag from the end of the bar to the left.

How do I apply another table to Calendar view?

The Calendar view does not make use of any tables.

How do I apply a filter in Calendar view?

In Calendar view you can use filters to display only some specific tasks. When you select a filter, the Calendar view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. To apply a filter in Calendar view, go to menu Project -Filter and select the desired filter. Note that, by default, the filter applied is All Tasks  filter.

How do I format the Calendar view?

We are sorry, but at this point, you cannot format the Calendar view.

How can I print a Calendar view with only a set of information?

The Calendar view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. To apply filters click on Project - Filter.

Can I navigate in Calendar View using arrow keys?

You can navigate using arrow keys only on Project Plan 365 for Windows and Mac.

How do I sort the tasks in Calendar view?

To sort the tasks in Calendar view, go to menu Project - Sort. 

How do I group the tasks in Calendar view?

The Calendar view does not support to group the tasks.

Can I zoom in or zoom out in Calendar view?

You can zoom out to a bigger picture of your project's tasks, or you can zoom in to see in more detail the tasks taking place in a particular day. Additionally you can choose a custom value for the zoom level. In order to Zoom In/Out, go to menu Project  - Zoom.

Are the customized options in my view Calendar available after I reopen the app?

After closing and opening the application all the previous settings on the Calendar view are reset.

Is there any way to set a default view?

To set a view by default, the Editor needs to save the file with that specific view being opened.

Why I can’t see the “Calendar View” button in ribbon on the Mac platform?

If the “Calendar View” button is not visible in ribbon, please press  "More" button. You should be able to find in the dropdown the button that doesn't fit inside the ribbon because of the small window size.

How can I see the weekly tasks?

To see what are the weekly tasks, you can use the Calendar view or you can filter the tasks in Gantt Chart view by going to menu Project-Filter-Date Range and insert the Start and Finish date.

Is it possible to add a task directly to Calendar View?

We are sorry, but at this point, you cannot add tasks directly in the Calendar View.

Can I insert tasks directly in the Calendar view?

Step by step on how to apply the Calendar view:

1. Go to menu View - Calendar.

2. The Calendar view is applied.

Step by step on how to move tasks in Calendar view:

1. Go to menu View - Calendar.

2. Select the desired task then drag and drop to another day.

3. Note that the task was moved to the next day.

Step by step on how to change the duration of the task in Calendar view:

1. Go to menu View - Calendar.

2. Select the desired task and drag from the end of the bar.

3. Note that the task is two days long.
